Tuesday, July 28, 2009

An Update on Annette's Story

Do you remember Annette's story? Here's a video about how she has improved over the last year:

The Power of Thinking--The Power of BrainWaves

Researchers in Japan have shown how people who have experienced paralysis, can operate a computer or a wheelchair by regulating their own brainwaves:

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Come to the Brain Art Festival!

Announcing the:

Radio City Music Hall, New York City
6:00 pm, Aug 15, 2009

Discover the creative potential of the brain...
through drumming, dance, song, and movement!

Hosted by the International Brain Education Association (IBREA)

For tickets and more information:

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Brain Education at the United Nations in Geneva

On July 6th, 2009, the Korea Institute of Brain Science (KIBS) and the International Brain Education Association (IBREA) hosted a side-event at the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) High Level Segment at the United Nations in Geneva.

ECOSOC meets yearly in Geneva to discuss issues and to set policies and directions for the following year. This year's focus was on Global Public Health.

The side event hosted by KIBS and IBREA titled "Promoting Mental Health in the Context of Global Public Health" was attended by representatives from the United Nations, from Permanent Missions, and from global public health organizations.

Featured speakers included Mr. Liberato Bautista, President of the Conference of NGOs in consultative status with ECOSOC, who spoke about the importance of individual change as a way to promote public change; Dr. Torkel Klingberg, Cognitive Neuroscientist from the Karolinska Institute in Sweden who talked about ADHD and working memory and how brain training can positively influence brain functioning, and Mr. Ilchi Lee, President of KIBS and IBREA, who spoke about the importance of the development of human potential through the brain as the key to overall development.

UN Secretary General, Mr. Ban Ki Moon, also stopped by the conference room to learn more about the recent and planned activities of KIBS and IBREA in support of health, education, and human development at the United Nations and around the world.

Brain Education was suggested as a cost-effective method to help improve physical and mental health and well-being and to contribute to human development in countries around the world. In follow-up to the event, many country and organizational representatives and UN agency officials have expressed interest in the Brain Education program and partnering with IBREA.

One important follow-up to the UN ECOSOC side event will also be the 1st Brain Alliance Initiative meeting, which will be held at the Brain Art Festival sponsored by IBREA in New York on August 15th 2009. The Brain Alliance Initiative is a group of individuals and organizations from the UN community, educators, health professionals, and scientists who are interested in promoting awareness about the importance of the brain as a tool for creating health, well-being, and developing potential on the United Nations agenda.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Korea Institute of Brain Science Statement to UN Secretary General

In preparation for the 2009 Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) Substantive Session in Geneva July 6-31, 2009, The Korea Institute of Brain Science (KIBS), an NGO in consultative status with ECOSOC has submitted a statement to the United Nations Secretary General.

The statement is on the provisional agenda for ECOSOC's Annual Ministerial Review, which will focus on: implementing the internationally agreed goals and commitments in regard to global public health.

You can find the statement by going to:


and entering your language of choice.