Saturday, June 26, 2010

60th Anniversary of the Korean War

On June 25th, South Korea, along with countries around the world remembered the beginning of the Korean War 60 years ago.

For more on this, see:

Research on the Effects of Brain Wave Vibration

Brain Wave Vibration is a mind–body training technique designed to relax both mind and body through natural rhythmic movements. It is intended to be a simple meditation technique, a kind of moving meditation that can be used to manage stress and optimize brain health. This technique is designed to help quiet the thinking mind and release emotions, particularly negativeemotions,throughphysicalmovementsand
focus on body sensations.

A recent research study found that Brain Wave Vibration training was associated with lower stress, higher positive affect, and higher plasma dopamine levels compared to a control group.

To access the abstract for this study:

The Game of Their Lives

A BBC documentary about the 1966 World Cup team from North Korea.