In Korea, "Bok nal” refers to the three hottest days of summer, based on the lunar calendar.
The first day is called “cho bok”, the second one “jung bok”, and the last one “mal bok”. On these days, Koreans prepare special food said to strengthen the body during hot weather. Although at one time, Koreans may have eaten a kind of dog stew, nowadays, people tend to eat "Samgyetang" (pictured above), a soup with chicken stuffed with rice, ginseng, Chinese dates, and chestnuts.
When I was little, my mom always said it was better to drink hot liquids, especially when the weather was hot. At the time, this didn't make sense to me because everyone else seemed to be having ice-cream and drinks with ice cubes.
I've since learned how my mom's advice resonates with an important principle traditionally practiced by East Asian cultures to maintain proper energy circulation and health in the body. This concept, "Water-up, Fire-down" is also an important principle used in Brain Education and refers to the importance of keeping a "cool head" and a "warm belly".
According to this concept, drinking cold liquids and eating cold food contributes to a "cold abdomen" and "stiff intestines". As a result, food and toxins get stuck in the digestive tract, which leads to digestive and elimination problems. Fortunately, through diet and exercise, we can better manage our intestinal health.
Two simple exercises that are taught in Brain Education which help are lower abdomen tapping and intestinal exercises (I've included the directions below). You can read about them here. And if it's not something you are used to, why not try eating warm food or drinking a hot drink and notice what happens in your body!
Intestine Exercise softens intestines and helps remedy constipation and other digestive problems. You can perform the exercise in a variety of positions—sitting, lying down, or standing--any time and any place. It’s best to practice them every day. Combine Intestine Exercise with Abdominal Breathing for maximum benefit. If you experience pain in the intestines during this exercise, stop and gently rub the abdomen in a clockwise motion, massaging the intestines with your palms, until the pain subsides.
To do Intestine Exercise:
1.Place your hands on your abdomen with your thumbs pointing toward the navel and your two index fingers touching together to form a triangle.
2.Push the abdomen out until you feel pressure.
3.Slowly and deeply pull the abdomen back in an effort to touch the spine.
4.Repeat this movement 100 times in a rhythmic pattern. As you become stronger and more comfortable, you can gradually increase the number of repetitions to 300.
To do Lower Abdomen Tapping:
1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
2. Relax your shoulders, neck, and arms.
3. Bend your knees slightly.
4. Place your hands on your lower abdomen below your belly button and begin tapping the abdomen.