Dr. Hawkins wrote the book, based on his Ph.D. thesis, in which he used a technique called kinesiological testing or muscle testing to callibrate the level of consciousness of human behaviour. The results were universal--words like "love", "peace", and "joy" made people's bodies stronger and thus callibrated higher, representing "Power". Words like "shame", "guilt", and "fear" made them weaker and callibrated lower, representing "Force".
Because we are all connected, the level of words, thoughts and behaviours we choose affects our own well-being but also the well-being of others. I often look at the levels of consciousness to notice where I am at any given time and what kind of energy I am sending out to the rest of the world. Hawkins goes onto describe how the use of power and force is related to health, sports, politics, the arts, and other aspects of our lives and our world.
Tonight I did a presentation (with the help of my classmate, Kim Jin Yi who translated what I said and the notes into Korean) on three chapters from the book, "Power in the Arts", "Genius and Creativity", and "Surviving Success".
To summarize what I summarized:)
- Art, music, and architecture that endures does so because of its beauty and its ability to benefit all of mankind.
- Although genius is often confused with a high IQ, it is something that is available to all of us and is more accurately desribed as a high degree of insight in any given area of human activity.
- Success is not about one "has" (material wealth) or "does" (one's positions or activities) but is about one has "accomplished" as a result of one's life experiences.
- The ability to create beauty, to access genius, and to achieve Success is in all of us.
- The way to access these intrinsic abilities is to choose them (or accept them) and to recognize that they are gifts to be used in order to create beauty and success in the outside world.
As Ilchi Lee, the founder of Brain Education, said: "I really don't believe in greatness that is bestowed as a rare gift to a few lucky ones. Rather I think everyone has greatness inside them...Greatness must simply be chosen. And if you choose it, it will happen."
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