Sunday, November 30, 2008

The BR English Program: English Language Instruction and Brain Education

BR English is one of the many organizations based on the principles of Brain Education. Through cooperative learning opportunities, BR English teachers use Brain Education principles and practices to help students learn and improve their English. In the process, students develop confidence in their ability to speak a foreign language, as well as making improvements in their physical, emotional, and social health.

While some students attend after-school BR English programs, others are fortunate to have the program in their school.

On Friday, I met with Danielle Little, to find out more about the organization and her work. Danielle is on the Education and Program Development teams. As part of her work, she trains teachers, provides workshops, and promotes and develops curriculum for the BR English program.

Recently, the South Korean government has put a greater emphasis on English-language education so whole school boards are looking for effective tools to provide English-language instruction.

Busan, the second largest city in Seoul, which is already implementing Brain Education in its schools, has recently shown interest in adding BR English to its programs. In addition, the BR English program provides a model for English-language instruction that can be used by countries around the world.

For more information about BR English:

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