He imagined recreating each and every vertebrae, while at the same time letting no thought go "unchecked"--if he noticed any stray thought or feeling or apprehension, he would start over again. As time went on, this process became easier and it took less and less time. He noticed measurable changes in his body--in pain levels and sensations--and realized that he was rewiring his brain.
In 10 and 1/2 weeks, he was back at his chiropractic practice walking and seeing patients. Dr. Joe had vowed that if he was ever going to walk again, he would spend his life studying about mind-body connections and the power of mind over matter. His new book is called, "Evolve Your Brain - The Science of Changing Your Mind" and describes what actually happens in your brain to create behavior.
As Joe says, "Until just a few decades ago, science had led us to believe that we were doomed by genetics, hobbled by conditioning, and should resign ourselves to the proverbial thinking about old dogs not being able to learn new tricks. However, what I discovered in studying the brain and its effects on behavior for the last 20 years has made me enormously hopeful about human beings and our ability to change. We have just needed to know how to change, and today, neuroscience has a very solid explanation for how mind over matter works; it's no longer a pie-in-the-sky concept. The science of changing our mind is now available, and I wrote Evolve Your Brain to help make this science accessible to everyone."
Here's a link to the interview with Dr. Joe:
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