Saturday, January 19, 2013

Public Presentation at the 11th Brain Education Conference

On January 13, 2013, I completed the final requirement for my PhD--a public presentation of my thesis. The topic was: An investigation of the factors contributing to life satisfaction and prosocial behavior and the presentation was in Korean. I had help from one of my dear friends and English students, Scarlett, who helped me translate and practice the presentation. I appreciate her, and all those who supported me while I was giving the presentation by giving me their attention and doing their best to follow what I was saying. This was the final requirement for my PhD requirement. The next day I left my one-room apartment and took the bus from Cheonan to the airport for the last time, and headed back to Canada.

Below are some of the presenters (from left to right): Kim Sunha, another PhD presenter; Professor Shim Junyoung; Professor Yoo Seongmo, my thesis supervisor; me; and Professor Seo Hochan.