Today, I started 21-Day Miracle training again. This training is a brain-based self-improvement program designed to help create new habits. By focusing on one goal for 21 days, you are giving your brain a chance to establish connections in support of your goal.
When this program was first introduced on
http://www.ilchi.com/, I used it to help strengthen my body. For 21-days, I did running, pushups, and other exercises to help make me stronger. When I finished, I started another 21-days of training with the same goal, but different activities, to help me achieve it.
Lately, I have gotten away from doing this. After watching one of Ilchi Lee's lectures, I realized that if I can make my life a series of 21-Day trainings, I can change myself a lot and create many miracles. Otherwise, I will just keep thinking about the changes I want to make and not actually do anything about them.
The first step in 21-day Miracle Training is to choose a goal. Lately, I have been very sleepy in the morning, so my goal is to be able to wake up at 7:30 every morning with lots of energy :).
It is important that a goal contain language that reflects what you want to accomplish, not what you don't want to accomplish, because what you tell your brain will manifest itself. So, for example, instead of "Get rid of my back pain", you could choose "Have a healthy back."
The next step is to choose three rules that will help you achieve your goal. If you ask your brain, the answer will usually come to you very quickly (your brain knows what you need to do--we're just not always listening :). My three rules are:
1. Do Jung-Choong Breathing every day for 30 minutes (to help accumulate energy).
2. Don't drink coffee or eat four hours before going to sleep (so my body and brain can have a restful sleep).
3. Go to bed before 1 a.m. (this may seem late but people stay up late here--there's something about the energy in Korea that makes it hard to go to bed early).
After creating your plan, it is good to record it and share it and your daily progress with one person or a community of people. This helps provide support for your plan, although as you'll experience, all of the motivation and will has to come from inside of you.
I recorded my goal and rules on ilchi.com and will be able to check my progress every day. There is also a journal to record your experiences of yourself during the training. If you're looking for inspiration from others, you can read the goals and rules others have chosen.
Many people have created groups on ilchi.com around goals that they have in common. So, for example, there are groups for education, volunteer and outreach activity, self development, family and relationships, health & wellness, and young people. There's even a group for members of the Burlington Dahn Yoga Centre!
I've heard that many educators in the New York area have been introduced to this program through the Brain Education Teaching Workshops. They have used it to help use the positive experiences they had during the workshop to create positive habits in their classrooms and in their own lives. Great!
For more information about 21-day Miracle training, see:
http://www.ilchi.com/what-is-21m?/Good luck creating new habits and miracles in your lives!