Wednesday, September 10, 2008

O-ren-ji ju-su?

Learning Korean is a good way for me to watch how my brain works.

I often read signs. Even if I don't know what they mean, it gives me practice reading in Korean.

This morning, I was reading the paper towel roll holder, thinking I would learn a new Korean word.

I read 점보롤(Jom-bo-rol). Like my grade one students used to do, I kept sounding it out syllable by syllable, practising my new Korean word. Then, I saw "Jumbo Roll" in English next to the Korean and realized I wasn't learning a new Korean word at all.

Ironically, the hardest words for me to read are the ones that come from English, I think because: 1. I am not expecting them to be English and 2. because they don't sound exactly like the English version.

For example,

오렌지 즈스 (O-ren-ji ju-suh) is "orange juice".

골프 (Gol-buh) is "golf".

It makes me think about how many times I "see" things around me and don't actually "see" them for what they are because I expect them to be different based on my own experiences.

I'm hoping that, with practice, some day I will look at "점포 롤" and know right away that it is Jumbo Roll. Similarly, with training and practice, I want to be able to go beyond my thoughts and ideas about difference and see and experience the world in a more flexible and open-minded way.

So, I think I'll go drink some (커피) (kaw-bi) and listen to the 라디오 (ra-di-oh).

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